Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 12, 2016

I would like to give my sincere condolences to the family and friends of our comrade. I would like to …(1)…the Russian Foreign Ministry to …(2)…Mr. Kalov posthumous and offer its proposals for making a memorial for him. He was killed while performing his …(3)… This was a brilliant diplomat who was widely …(4)…in the country where he was posted. He was in good standing with the government of Turkey and with other political groups in that country. He was …(4)… Ambassador Kalov was a very good-hearted person. I knew him personally so I’m not speaking from hearsay. And last …(5)…during my visit to Turkey, ambassador Kalov accompanied me all the time.

This murder is clearly a provocation aimed at undermining the …(6)…and normalization of Russian-Turkish relations, as well as undermining the …(7)…process in Syria promoted by Russia, Turkey, Iran and other countries interested in settling the conflict in Syria.

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Từ mới: 

condolences: lời chia buồn

comrade: bằng hữu, đồng chí

memorial: đài tưởng niệm

diplomat: nhà ngoại giao

good hearted (kind-hearted): tốt bụng, từ bi

I knew him personally: Tôi biết rõ ông ấy.

hearsay: tin đồn, lời đồn

ambassador: đại sứ

provocation: sự khiêu khích

undermining: phá hoại

normalization: bình thường hóa

conflict: cuộc xung đột 

Phiêu Linh

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