Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 4, 2016

Câu chuyện dưới đây kể về món quà ngày tốt nghiệp đại học của người cha dành cho con trai mình. Vì nóng vội, người con đã hiểu nhầm rằng cha mình không tặng món quà mình yêu thích, bỏ nhà đi và mãi sau này mới phát hiện ra mình đã sai. 

Bạn có thể học những cụm từ hữu ích với "Món quà của cha". Truyện có văn phong và từ vựng ở mức cơ bản, giúp người đọc dễ nắm được toàn bộ câu chuyện. Xem phần từ vựng và bản dịch để kiểm tra khả năng đọc hiểu của mình.


Bản tiếng Anh:

A young man was soon going to graduate college. For many months, he used to admire a very beautiful sports car. He knew that his father can afford it so he told him that he wanted that car. As graduation day was near, he waited for signs that his father has bought that car for him. Finally it was graduation day.

On the morning of graduation, his father told him that how proud he was to have such good son and how much he loved him. After telling, this father handed a wrapped gift box to his son as a graduation present.

Curious son opened that gift. He found a Bible with a beautiful leather cover. Angrily son raised voice to his father, "With all the money you have, you bought me a Bible?" and left instantly, leaving the book there.

Years passed by, he never returned home. The young man became a very successful businessman in the meantime. He had a beautiful house and happy family. Years after, he realized that he should go to his father’s house as he never returned after leaving the house on that day.

Before he could make arrangements to return home to his father, he received a telegram informing him about his father’s death. It was to inform him that his father willed all his possessions to his son and he should come home as soon as he can to take care of things.


He returned home but on reaching home, his heart was filled with regrets and sadness. He began to search for important papers and saw that the Bible his father gifted was still new.

With tears, he opened the bible and began to turn pages and as he read those words, suddenly a car key dropped from an envelope which was stick behind the bible. It had a tag with dealer’s name, same one who had sports car he desired. The date on tag was of his graduation day with words written on it, "PAID IN FULL".

Từ vựng:

Từ/cụm từ Phiên âm Diễn giải Tạm dịch
can/could afford something (v)  /ə'fɔːd/  have enough money to pay for  có đủ tiền chi trả cho thứ gì
hand something to someone/ someone something (v) /hænd/  to put something into someone's hand from ​your own hand  đặt vào tay ai thứ gì từ tay mình, trao tay
Bible (n)  /'baɪ.bəl/   Kinh Thánh
in the meantime /'miːn.taɪm/ meanwhile trong lúc đó, trong khoảng thời gian đó
make arrangements (v)   make a ​plan for how something will ​happen thu xếp, chuẩn bị
possession (n)  /pə'zeʃ.ən/  (usually plural) something that you own  (số nhiều) tài sản
will something to someone (v)   /wɪl/  to ​arrange to give ​money or ​property to ​others after ​your ​death để lại tài sản cho ai
reach (n) /riːtʃ/ to ​arrive at a ​place, ​especially after ​spending a ​long ​time or a lot of ​effort ​travelling  đến nơi nào đó, sau khi mất nhiều thời gian, công sức di chuyển
paid in full (v)   debt satisfied in its entirety hoàn thành trả góp

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